Michael Shirley, the Communications Manager at Children’s Trust of South Carolina, is doing great work there to remind everyone of the value of building Protective Factors — by sharing PF Goody Bags!! Each bag has an object that represents each of the Five Protective Factors. Also in the goody bags is great information about the PFs, all extending the learning opportunities that their excellent trainers have as they connect with audiences across the state. The objects are:
- Parental Resilience — a slinky
- Social Connections — USB thumb drive
- Concrete Support – Concrete Block Stress Ball
- Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development – Pocket Measuring Tape
- Social/Emotional Competence of Children – Mood Magnets
Thanks Michael and the Children’s Trust of South Carolina for such great work!
Do you have ideas like this you would like to share? We would all love to hear more about your exciting strategies to teach and spread the word about the protective factors!