Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work

Trainer Support Site

Logo Co-Branding Guidelines

Congratulations on becoming an Alliance Certified Trainer. Please use the Alliance’s Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work Certified Trainer logo in your training materials. This is a special co-brand logo that we created for our ever-growing network of Certified Trainers. Use it to authenticate yourself as a Certified Trainer and on your training events. 

Our Logo

We are proud of our logo, and we ask you to follow these guidelines to ensure it always looks its best.

This is the co-branding logo you will use to designate that you are a Certified Trainer of the Alliance’s Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work training. This training, which the Alliance developed in 2012, is a sub-brand of the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance. The Alliance logo contains an “A” bridge icon that is combined with a typographic letter form of the word “Alliance” to create a single, unified trademark image.

When you click on the download button below, you’ll have your choice of three logo formats: 1) a high resolution JPEG for printing, 2) a medium resolution PNG with a transparent background that is good for digital purposes and 3) as a banner for Google forms.

Download Alliance Certified Trainer Color Logos

Black and White Logo

Where color printing is not available, you can use the black and white version of the logo. It is available to download as a high resolution JPEG.

Download Alliance Certified Trainer Black and White Logo

Our Colors

The core colors of the Alliance logo is  “prevention” blue and purple. Other colors in our primary palette include a cheery yellow, a bright navy blue and a warm grey. The Alliance has a secondary palette that is used for its sub-brand logos such as the Alliance National Parent Partnership Council and this training. Teal is the sub-brand color for Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work training. Colors from our primary and secondary palettes are woven throughout the training PowerPoints and materials. The logo can be printed in four-color process, three-color spot or black and white.


Pantone 660C
R6 G122 B192
C85 M46 Y0 K0


Pantone 513C
R147 G53 B141
C49 M94 Y5 K0


Pantone 631C
R0 G161 B173
C79 M16 Y32 K0


The typefaces used in the creation of our logo are Futura PT Medium and Demi.

Clear Space

Our logo should always have space to breathe. We call the space around our logo the purple zone. Please don’t put stuff in it.

Minimum Size

Our logo should never be smaller than 250px in digital or 1-1/2 inches in print. Also, just as the logo should never be too small, it shouldn’t be overwhelmingly large. Make sure it is readable, and use good design.

Treating the Logo with Respect

It is important that the appearance of the logo remains consistent. The logo should not be misinterpreted, modified or added to. No attempt should be made to alter the logo in any way. Its orientation, color and composition should remain as indicated here – there are no exceptions.


Do not rotate the logo.


Do not change or alter the logo colors or tone.


Do not distort or morph the logo in any way.


Do not outline the logo.


Do not change the typeface or manipulate any part of the logo.


Do not screen the logo.


Do not place the full color logo on a photograph.


Do not use the full color logo on backgrounds that are similar in color to the logo making it hard to see.

Pairing Brands

Some co-branding instances may require the Alliance Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work logo to be placed side-by-side with your organization’s logo. If possible, size each logo so they are optically equal in size.

When your logo needs to be larger or when you are including several partner logos, please maintain the minimal size of at least 1-1/2 inches wide for the Alliance training logo. And include clear space around the Alliance training logo, your logo and other logos.

Thank You

If you are having trouble with anything in these guidelines, or if you are unsure if your communication best represents the Alliance brand, please use the CONTACT page to send us a message. Also, we appreciate your feedback as to how we can improve our co-branding efforts.